1.If you don’t have any money, I _____ you some, but I need it back by Saturday. *

a) lend;

b) am lending;

c) will lend;

d) is going to lend;

2.By 2030 we ____ great progress. *

a) will make;

b) will made;

c) are making;

d) is going to;

3.The weather ______ unpredictable next week. *

d) shall be;

c) would be;

a) will be;

b) was;

4.His working day _____ at 7 a.m. *

a) will begin;

b) begins;

c) is beginning;

d) begin;

5. I usually _____ home at half pas five.a) leave;

a) leave;

b) will leave;

c) is leaving;

d) shall leave;

6.We ____ a new house this year. *

a) will buy;

b) bought;

c) can buy;

d) are going to buy

7.I think it _____ me about ten minutes. *

a) takes;

b) will takes;

c) will take;

d) is going to take 

8.We like dancing. I think we _____ to the disco. *

a) can go;

b) will go;

c) are going;

d) go;


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 - c) will lend

2 - a) will make

3 - a) will be;

4 - b) begins

5 - a) leave

6 - d) are going to buy

7 - c) will take

8 - b) will go

Аноним: MaryFairy я Вас умоляю помогите с английским, с табличкой задание N 1 пожалуйста прошу Вас , 2 не нужно делать! УМОЛЯЮ .......... НЕ ПРОХОДИТЕ МИМО https://znanija.com/task/36040728
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