Помогите, напишите правильно пж!
1. My friend………..(just do) his homework.
2. She………..(be) a teacher for ten years.
3. They………..(start) working on the project last week.
4. ……………you ever (travel) abroad?
5. I……….(know) my friend since childhood.
6. We…………..(go) shopping yesterday.
7. ………………he (play) computer games last Sunday?
8. .............you (ever see) “Titanic”?


Ответ дал: Hsquad06
1. Just did
2. Was
3. Started
4. Have you ever traveled abroad ? Или Did you ever travel abroad?
5. I have known my friend since childhood.
6. Went
7. Did he play computer games last Sunday ?
8. Have you ever seen “ titanic”? Или did you ever see “titanic”?
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