Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or the Past Simplе

My little sister (1) ………………... (drink) a glass of milk every morning.
My mother usually (2) ………….. (cook) for the family, but today (3) ………….. (be) her birthday, so I
(4)………… (plan) a special dinner for everybody.
(5)…………… (you / bake) a pie for Easter last week?
(6)Simon …………. (not / like) spicy food.
(7)We ……………. (have) dinner at the restaurant yesterday.
(8)She always ………… (do) the shopping on Sunday but today she (9) ………….. (stay) at home because she
(10)………………. (not / feel) very well.
(11)Where ……………………. (you / travel) last summer? – I (12)………….. (go) to France.
Where (13) ……………. (he / go)? - He (14) ……………… (go) to visit his friend.
(15) (Matt / go) …………………. to school yesterday? – No, he (16)……………(not/go) because he
(17)………. (be) ill.


Ответ дал: kristinahan37


  1. drinks
  2. cooks
  3. is
  4. plan
  5. did you baked
  6. don't likes
  7. had
  8. does
  9. is staying
  10. don't feel
  11. do you traveled
  12. went
  13. he goes
  14. goes
  15. did matt went
  16. doesn't went
  17. is

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