Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous.
1) Thanks for the invitation but I'm going shopping with my sister
next Sunday.
2) I'm sorry but I plana_ (play) football with my friends tomorrow.
3) I'd like to but I
(do) an English course next Thursday.
4) Saturday is fine. I
(not/go) to school because we have a day off. 5) That sounds nice but my cousins (visit) me this evening. 6) I'm afraid I can't make it. I (participate) in the festival next weekend. 7) I'm afraid next Monday isn't good for me . I (meet) my friend. 8) Thursday is difficult. I (go) to the cinema tonight. 9) Next Friday suits me fine . I (no/do) anything special. Очень срочно​


Ответ дал: dilyadoni4488


2 am playing

3 am doing

4 am not going

5 is visiting

6 am participating

7 am meeting

8 am going

9 am not doing

sanirakurmanova371: спасибо большое
Ответ дал: imakeevaozq12s
2) I will be playing football...3)I will be doing 4)I am not going to 5)will be visiting me6)яI will be participating in7)I will meeting 8)I am going to 9)I will not doing
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