Заполните пробелы : was/were, wasn’t, weren’t.
…you at home last night?
Dad … at t work, because he …ill.
…he in Sochi? No, he …in Krym.
Where …you yesterday, Sam? I …at the club.
These shops… very comfortable, when I …young.
My friends… very happy to see me.
There… any bakeries in this street.
…she alone last night? Yes, she …
Jane …very upsent to hear about it.
I… late at the meeting. I’m so sorry.​


Ответ дал: R0mari0

Ответ: 1 Was

2 wasnt 3was

4was 5was

6were 7was

8were 9was


10 werent

11was 12 was

13 was

14 was


aigiziksanogv: спасибо
Ответ дал: Аноним

Were you at home last night?

Dad wasn't at work, because he was ill.

Was he in Sochi? No, he was in Krym.

Where were you yesterday, Sam? I was at the club.

These shops were very comfortable, when I was young.

My friends were very happy to see me.

There weren't any bakeries in this street.

Was she alone last night? Yes, she was.

Jane was very upsent to hear about it.

I was late at the meeting. I’m so sorry.

aigiziksanogv: спасибо
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