Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: How many apples are there on the table?
1 How _______ did her new watch cost?
2 They’re going to see the new play _______ week.
3 We live in _______ small flat near the station.
4 Have you _______ been to Australia?
5 _______were seventy people at the party!
6 Did you watch the programme about Turkey _______ night?
7 There are _______ cakes on the table. Help yourself.
8 _______ you like to run a marathon?
9 There wasn’t _______ food in the fridge when I arrived home.
10 I need _______ wash the car.
11 Today is _______ hottest day of the year.
12 The bus is cheaper _______ the train.
13 Did you see the car accident _______ morning?
14 You can eat the _______ delicious pizzas in that restaurant.
15 _______ many people live in your city?


Ответ дал: mashamustafayeva04


1. Much

2. Next

3. A

4. Ever

5. There

6. Last

7. Two

8. Do

9. Any

10. To

11. The

12. Than

13. Last

14. Most

15. How

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