Помогите пожалуйста с тестом по английскому! 9 класс. Conditionals:
1. If you heat plastic, it ______ . *
a) will melt
b) melt
c) melts
d) would melt
2. Our neighbors would have moved out if we ______ them to pay the rent last year. *
a) hadn’t helped
b) wouldn’t’ have helped
c) didn’t help
d) wouldn’t help
3. If we hurry, we ______ right on time. *
a) are
b) will be
c) would be
d) were
4. People ______ happier if they didn’t start wars. *
a) are
b) were
c) will be
d) would be
5. You’ll be prettier if you ______on a diet. *
a) go
b) will not go
c) didn’t go
d) hadn’t gone
6. If you ______ volleyball, you would be taller. *
a) would take up
b) had taken
c) will take up
d) took up
7. I ______ the University if I had known History better. *
a) would have entered
b) entered
c) had entered
d) enter
8. She will get the job if she ______ the interview. *
a) wouldn’t miss
b) don’t miss
c) didn’t miss
d) doesn’t miss
9. If you ______ to the party, I will be happy. *
a) would come
b) come
c) comes
d) came
10. We ______ enemies if you hadn’t asked me to excuse you that time. *
a) would become
b) would have become
c) had become
d) became
11. Don’t do it! If you run, you ______ into an accident. *
a) had got
b) got
c) will get
d) would get
12. It ______ badly if you hadn’t shown up. *
a) would end
b) would have ended
c) ended
d) had ended
13. If you let me take part in the concert, I ______ Jack for 2 weeks. Really! *
a) babysat
b) would have babysat
c) had babysat
d) will babysit
14. When you sleep, your breath ______ down. *
a) slows
b) slow
c) will slow
d) would slow
15. If you give me the passport, I ______ the parcel. *
a) receive
b) received
c) would receive
d) will receive
16. If you ______ the lectures, you would have passed that exam successfully. *
a) didn’t miss
b) haven’t miss
c) hadn’t missed
d) wouldn’t miss
17. We would take a kitten if we ______ a dog at home. *
a) don’t have
b) wouldn’t have
c) didn’t have
d) haven’t had
18. If you throw a thing in the air, it ______ down. *
a) will fall
b) falls
c) would fall
d) fall
19. How would you let off steam if you ______ a terrible day? *
a) will have
b) would have
c) had
d) has had
20. If she had had fast food and fizzy drinks, she ______ problems with health. *
a) would have had
b) will have
c) would have
d) would have had


Ответ дал: Sahib03


  1. a
  2. d
  3. c
  4. d
  5. b
  6. a
  7. a
  8. d
  9. b
  10. a
  11. c
  12. a
  13. d
  14. a
  15. a
  16. b
  17. c
  18. b
  19. c
  20. b
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