Задания для работы 7th grade
Today you will repeat all information for the unit “healthy habits”. (Сегодня мы с вами повторим информацию о разделе “Полезные привычки”)

Выполните упр.1. письменно в тетрадь. Вам необходимо правильно вставить глаголы
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I. (1 тип условных предложений)
If you (go) _______out with your friends tonight, I (watch)_____ the football match on TV.
I (earn) _____ a lot of money if I (get) ________that job.
If she (hurry / not) _________, we (miss) _________ the bus.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.(2 тип условных предложений)
If he (try) _______ harder, he (reach) ______his goals.
I (buy) _____ these shoes if they_____ (fit) .
It (surprise / not) ________ me if he (know / not) ______ the answer.
3. Выполнить упр.2. письменно в тетради. Выпишите только подходящее слово.

4. Выполните упр 3. Вам необходимо вставить do,play или go.



Ответ дал: melaniyakaliyan


Ex 1 Conditional 1

1. go, will watch

2. will earn, get

3. does not hurry, will miss

Ex 2 Conditional 2

1. tried, would reach

2. would buy, fitted

3. would not surprise, didn't know

Ex 3

1. do karate

2. play baseball

3. go ice skating

4. play golf

5. do wrestling

6. go bowling

Ex 4 Choose the correct word

1. might

2. mustn't

3. have to

4. mustn't

5. have to


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