Вставить нужные слова. Срочно!

Hello, Mary! How ______ (am / is / are) you there? I ________ (am / is / are) very _______ (well / good). I would like to ______ (ask / tell) you what I _______ (do / did / done) last week. I _______ (go / went / gone) to Bristol last _______ (night / week / evening). I went ______ (here / there) with _____ (me / my / mine) friends. It ______ (was / were) cool. But one evening I ______ (lose / lost ) my way. I _________ (couldn’t / can’t) find the hotel where we ________ (are staying / stay / stayed). I ______ (was / were) in panic. I ________ ( don’t / doesn’t / didn’t) know what to do. Then I came to a man and ________ (said / told / asked) him _____ (from / for) the direction. You know I _______(was / were) surprised. I _________ (was / were) in five minutes from the hotel. I was really _______ (happy / happily) to get back!
What about you? Have you ever been in such situation? Write me, please.


Ответ дал: Roman6696


Hello, Mary ! How are you there ? I am very well. I would like to ask you what I do last week. I went to Bristol last evening. I went there with my friends. It was cool. But one evening I lost my way. I can't find the hotel where we are staying. I was in panic. I don't know what to do. Then I came to a man and asked him for the direction. You know I was surprised. I was in five minutes from the hotel. I was really happily to get back !


nastya12247: здесь есть ошибки, как минимум 6, не советую этот вариант ;(
Roman6696: Спешил , я сам уже начитал 7 ошибок )) Извиняюсь ....
Ответ дал: nastya12247


1. are

2. am

3. well

4. tell

5. did

6. went

7. week

8. there

9. my

10. was

11. lost

12. couldn't

13. stayed

14. was

15. didn't

16. asked

17. for

18. was

19. was

20. happy

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