Task 2 Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1 I (not to see) him for ages.
2 He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
3 I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
4 I (to drive) since I was 17.
5 Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.
6 I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
7 Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
8 She (worry) about this for two months.
9 She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.
10 She (not/take) another test yet.
11 I (to have) a headache since I got up.
12.He is my friend, I (to know) him for a long time.
13 Ivan has a stomachacke. He (to eat) junk food all day.
14 я (никогда не слышал) эту песню раньше.


Ответ дал: meowmeow84

1) haven't seen

2) has been doing

3) haven't heard

4) have been driving

5) has failed

6) has been making

7) hasn't passed

8) has been worrying

9) has been studying

10) hasn't taken

11) have been having

12) have been known

13) has eaten

14) I have never heard this song before

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