Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.
2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the exams successfully.
4. Poor boy (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him.
5. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a lot in his life.
6. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to leave) home.
7. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.
8. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
9. When I (to come) home, my mother (to go) shopping.
10. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.


Ответ дал: SE04

1). had examined

2). remembered; had left

3). were; had passed

4). opened; looked; tried; had happened

5). saw; had travelled

6). came; had left

7). visited; had left

8). entered; had already begun

9). came; had gone

10). had studied; entered

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