1. I .( speak) to him last week.
2. When .
. ( you - go) to Spain ? in 2005.
3. .
.(you - ever - fly ) to New-York?
4. He .
. (not-do ) his homework yesterday.
5. .
.(they - finish) their lunch yet?
.(you - like ) vegetables when you were a child ?
7. Sorry, I am late! I.(be) busy.
8. We
.(just - call) our friends
6. .
9. Last year, they
... travel) to Japan.
10. Their friends . .(arrive) in
Switzerland two weeks ago.
11. He .
..(never -see) the ocean.
(turn) the radio off
12. She .
before going to work​


Ответ дал: Аноним


1. I spoke to him last week.

2. When have you gone to Spain? in 2005.

3. Have you ever flown to New-York?

4. He didn`t do his homework yesterday.

5. Have they finished their lunch yet?

6. have you liked vegetables when you were a child ?

7. Sorry, I am late! I was busy.

8. We  have just called our friends

9. Last year, they  traveled to Japan.

10. Their friends arrived in

Switzerland two weeks ago.

11. He have never seen the ocean.

12. She havn`t  turned the radio off before going to work​

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