1.We've got ( a few /  a little ) time to finish this job. 
2.Dad promised to go to the zoo with his son, but there were (a few  / a little )
 things he had to do first. 
My sister is staying in Rome for a (few/  
a little )
4. — More juice?
— Just ( a few / a little ) , thank you. 
5.Mark's friends give him (a few /  a little) dollars to get by. 
6. The shop closed down because it was only making (a few  / a little ) money. 
 7. (A few/  A little ) friends came to our party last year.


Ответ дал: Reallycool

Ответ: 1) a little

2) a few

3) a few

4) a little

5) a few

6) a little

7) a few

Объяснение: напиши потом в комментариях, какие сошлись. Надеюсь, что все)

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