Task 1. Put the verb into correct tenses
1. If you …. (press) this button, the computer ….(come) on. 2. If the weather ….(be) nice tomorrow, we …(go) to the beach. 3. I felt sick after the party. If I …(not\eat) so much, my stomach….(not\ache). 4. If I were you, I …(not\buy) that car. 4. I …(help) you if I could but I’m afraid I can’t. 5. If we …..(not\leave) now, we ….(miss) the bus. 6. If someone …..(enter) the building, the light ….(switch) on. 7. The guests were unexpected. It …(be) better if they ….(tell) about their visit.8. You …(get) fat if you ….(not\stop) eating so much.
Task 2. Translate into English, put the type of Conditionals at the end of each sentence.
e.g. If you don’t water a flower, it dies.( 0 Type )
1.Если температура 100 градусов, то вода будет кипеть. 2. На твоем бы месте я бы не перерезала этот провод. 3. Когда я буду опытным спортсменом, я приму участие в международных соревнованиях. 4. Если бы ты вчера скрепил ремнями чемодан, он бы не раскрылся на вокзале. 5. Если вы завтра не заплатите за свет, вам отрежут (отключат) электричество. 6. Если вы уроните мяч на пол, он отскачет. 7. Если бы я был начальником (the boss), то я бы не довел персонал (the staff) до предела. 8. Извини, что не смог тебе помочь вчера. Если бы все зависело от меня, я бы это сделал.
Task 3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas
1. If I knew their address, ……. . 2. If you put a piece of ice into the water, …… . 3. Sorry for my being late yesterday. I would have taken a taxi ……. . 4. If I don’t tidy my room, ……. . 5. I wouldn’t mind living in England, …….


Ответ дал: SE04

ex. 1

1). press; will come

2). is; will go

3). hadn't eaten; wouldn't have ached

4). wouldn't buy

4 (повтор цифры)). would help

5). don't leave; will miss

6). enters; will switch

7). would have been; had told

8). will get; don't stop

ex. 2

1). If the temperature is 100 degrees, the water boils. (0 Type)

2). If I were you, I wouldn't cut this wire. (2 Type)

3). When I become a skilled sportsman, I'll take part in international competitions. (1 Type)

4). If you had fastened the suitcase yesterday, it wouldn't have opened up at the station. (3 Type)

5). If you don't pay for the light tomorrow, you'll be cut off electricity. (1 Type)

6). If you drop a ball on the floor, it bounces. (0 Type)

7). If I were the boss, I wouldn't push the staff to the limit. (2 Type)

8). Sorry I couldn't help you yesterday. If everything had depended on me, I would have done it. (3 Type)

ex. 3

1). I would go to this address myself.

2). it melts and cools down the water.

3). if I had known whether I was late.

4). my mum will get angry.

5). if I had a good salary there.

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