1-Did you … anything to him about your problem? 
2-I think he is … lies.  
1) talking
3-She asked … he had arrived in time.
1) whether
2) weather
4-They wanted to know where … the tickets.  
1)did i buy
2)i bought
5-He … them he wasn’t happy with their work.  
1) says
2) told
6-My grandma … she could not speak any foreign languages
1) asked
2) said
7-My mother ordered me … my room again.  
1)not to leave
2) don't leave
8-She asked me where ... .
1)he is
2)he was
9-She … me that there was a plenty of options. 
1) told
2) said
10-Susan answered she … save money for a new car.  
2) would
11-They said they … to Scotland.  
1)didn’t ever be
2) hadn’t ever been
12-Sara asked if … .  
1)had he finished
2)he had finished
13-They asked me … .
1)to come back later
2)come back later
14-Sally said … the watch. 
1)had bought
2)she had bought
15-She said she … the answer
2) knew


Ответ дал: zorbing


1-Did you … anything to him about your problem?  2) say

2-I think he is … lies.   1) telling

3-She asked … he had arrived in time.   1) whether

4-They wanted to know where … the tickets.   2) I bought

5-He … them he wasn’t happy with their work.   2) told

6-My grandma … she could not speak any foreign languages  2) said

7-My mother ordered me … my room again.   1)not to leave

8-She asked me where ... .  2) he was

9-She … me that there was a plenty of options.  1) told

10-Susan answered she … save money for a new car.   2) would

11-They said they … to Scotland.   2) hadn’t ever been

12-Sara asked if … .   2) he had finished

13-They asked me … .  1)to come back later

14-Sally said … the watch.  2) she had bought

15-She said she … the answer . 2) knew

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