Exercises-Past Perfect Tense
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1. (studied/had studied) hard for the test, but I still
(failed/had failed).
2. l(hurried/had hurried) to the phone, but the caller
(hung/had hung) up.
3. T(had arrived/arrived) home late because there
(was/had been) a lot of traffic.
4. I had never seen such a beautiful beach before!
(went/had gone) to Kauai.
5. On his last trip there, Brendan (knew/had known)
Boston so well because he (visited/had visited) the
city several times.


Ответ дал: nunny

| (had studied) hard for the test, but | still (failed).

| (hurried) to the phone, but the caller (had hung) up.

| (arrived) home late because there (had been) a lot of traffic.

| had never seen such a beautiful beach before | (went) to Kauai.

On his last trip there, Brendan (knew) Boston so well because he (had visited) the city several times.

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