Заполните пропуски, используя was, were, wasn´t, weren´t.
1. King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson … in love.
2. Where … you born? - I … born in Moscow.
3. The capital of Russia in the 19 th century … Saint-Petersburg.
4. … Alexander Lodygin and Pavel Yablochkov famous writers? - They … writers, they …
Russian inventors.
5. Wallis Simpson … British, she … American.
6. What day … yesterday?
7. Alexander Popov … a famous Russian scientist.
8. Edward … Queen Elizabeth II´s uncle.
9. When we … young, we … good at history.
10. In 2000 the population of Russia … 146,89 million people.


Ответ дал: mahabatrysbekova0902

Ответ: 1 were 2 was 3 was 4 Were ,weren’t were 5 wasn’t,was 6 was,7 was 8 was 9were were 10 was


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