9клас Англійська мова
допоможіть дуже строчно!!!!

1. When her friend came, she … TV.

a) watches c) watched

b) was watching d) is watching

2 . When I got home I discovered that somebody … my house.

a) break into c) had broken into

b) broke into d) breaks into

3. When I … my friend she just had left her home.

a) phone c) will phone

b) phoned d) had phoned

4. She suddenly realised that she .. her money.

a) loses c) lost

b) had lost d) has lost

5. It …rainy tomorrow.

a) is c) was

b) will be d) has been

6. The boys …a game of football at the moment.

a) have c) will have

b) don’t have d) are having


Ответ дал: mademoisellee
1 she was watching TV
2 broke into my house
3 phoned my friend
4 has lost her money
5 will be rainy
6 are having a game of football at the moment

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