1. The world has got warmer, ___________________ ?
2. We have to create less rubbish, ___________________ ?
3. The oil killed many fish, ______________________?
4. It's wrong to drop litter on the street, ______________________ ?
5. You didn't take those cans to the recycling bank, ___________________ ?
6. We are running out of freshwater, ________________________
Вопросы с хвостиком помогите

jekatawer2011: Есть варианты ответов?


Ответ дал: Idkersan


Has the world got warmer

Do we have to create less rubbish

Did the oil kill many fish

Is it wrong to drop litter on the street

Didn't you take those cans to the recycling bank

Are we running out of freshwater

(Если правильно понял что нужно делать)


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