Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Progressive.
1. John and his friend (go) to the library tomorrow.
2. Jane (write) a letter to her pen- friend in the evening.
3. They (arrive) in London on the 6th of August.
4. We (play) football next Sunday.
5. I (not go) for a walk after dinner.
6. …. You (take) part in the swimming competition in a week?
7. She (visit) her grandparents next Summer.
Напишите предложения, используя to be going to…
1. He writes a letter.
2. They leave for Paris.
3. My friends take part in the performance.
4. She studies English at a college.
5. He stays at a hotel.
6. The boat will start at 6 o’ clock.
7. I work as a taxi driver.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Future Simple.
1. I think we (go) to the theatre tomorrow.
2. Perhaps Kate (do) her homework after lessons.
3. Maybe the boy (ride) his bike in the afternoon.
4. I think I (not go ) to school on Monday.
5. …. You (help) me to clean the room?
6. Perhaps they (have) a party in a week.
7. I think the weather (not be) fine tomorrow.
пожалуйста, надо срочно!!!!!!!! даю 100 баллов!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: tupik58
1) are going
2) is writing
3) are arriving
4) are playing
5) am not going
6) are...taking
7) is visiting

1. he is going to write a letter
2. they are going to leave for paris
3. my friends are going to take part in the performance
4. she is going to study english at a college
5. he is going to stay at a hotel
6. the boat is going to start at 6 o’clock
7. i am going to work as a taxi driver

1)will go
2)will do
3) will ride
4) won’t go
5) will...help
6) will have
7) won’t be

91918181: спасибо
91918181: уважаю!!!!
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