Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Clara and her class are looking forward to visit/visiting.

2. I’m glad to hear/hearing that no one was hurt in the earthquake.

3. We stopped to look/looking at the wildflowers.

4. They made him to return/return all the money he had borrowed

5. He can to run/run very fast.

6. I would like to do/doing something different for my birthday this year.

7. It’s no use to cry/crying over spilt milk.

8. He always remembers to lock/locking the door when he leaves.

9. Let me to help/help you carry these bags.

10. They are not sleeping. I can hear them to talk/talking.


Ответ дал: leika61


1) visit

2) hear

3) looking

4) return

5) run

6) do

7) crying

8) look

9) help

10) talking

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