1. Вставь am, is или are. 1. Lizzy ____ a doctor. She ____ a good doctor. 2. Rex______ my dog. He_______big and black. 3. I _______ a pupil and he______ a pupil. We ______ pupils. 4. Fred and Bess __________ students. They _______ good students.
2/ Вставь have или has. 1. Wendy ____ a doll. Jane _____ three dolls. 2. I ____ two big cats. Kate _____ two little cats. 3. Tom _____ seven books. You _____ six books. 4. We ________four dogs. They ______ five dogs.
3. Найди и зачеркни лишнее слово в каждой строчке. 1. milk, sandwich, football, chips 2. in, chair, sofa, bed 3. orange, red, cat, green 4. Kate, am, is, are
4. Прочитай текст. Догадайся по описанию, какое это животное. It’s little. It’s grey. It can run and hide. It likes cheese. Cats can eat it. What is it? 1.) a horse 2.) a mouse 3.)a cat 4.) a dog
Решите пожалуйста как можно скорее, спасибо.


Ответ дал: pyLLlHuK


1. Lizzy is a doctor. She is a good doctor. 2. Rex is my dog. He is big and black. 3. I am a pupil and he is a pupil. We are pupils. 4. Fred and Bess are students. They are good students.

2. Вставь have или has. 1. Wendy has a doll. Jane has three dolls. 2. I have two big cats. Kate has two little cats. 3. Tom has seven books. You have six books. 4. We have four dogs. They have five dogs.

3.  1. football-зачеркнуть 2. in-зачеркнуть 3.  cat- зачеркнуть 4. Kate- зачеркнуть.

4. It’s little. It’s grey. It can run and hide. It likes cheese. Cats can eat it. What is it?   2)a mouse - это правильный ответ.

я делал всё правильно так как сдавал английский в 9 классе!!

можешь не паниковать.

dashatarasenkoyy: Большое спасибо,чел)
Ответ дал: tandumverdeforte8


1) 1) is; 2) is; is; 3) am; is; 4) are; are.

2) 1) has; has; 2) have; has; 3) has; have; 4) have; have.

3) 1) football; 2) in; 3) cat; 4) Kate.

4) 2) a mouse.


dashatarasenkoyy: спасибо)
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