Очень вас прошу помогите
O work in pairs, Imagine a brother and sister are coming to live in your country from the USA or Britain, Write notes to answer the questions below. 1 What should I do when I meet someone new? (shake hands/kiss) 2 Should I smile and say hello to strangers? 3 Should I cry or show I'm angry in public? 4 In what situations is it okay to laugh out loud and make jokes? 5 When I'm talking to someone, how much should I look at them? 6 Is it okay to use gestures to show my feelings? 7 How close to other people should I sit or stand? 8 What should I do if I want to go out with someone?


Ответ дал: dubnojust


1. i should shake hands when I meet someone new

2. I should smile and say hello to strangers

3. I shouldn't cry or show that I'm angry in public

4. It's ok when someone crack a joke and I laugh

5. When I am talking I shouldn't look long at the interlocutor

6. It's ok to use gestures when I am show my feelings

7. I shouldn't stay or sit too close to other people

8. I should call someone, when I want to go out with him or her

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