Task 4. Вставите необходимое относительное местоимение/наречие в пропуск
(Who, whose, when, where, why).
Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.

The girl … hair is curly is my elder sister.

He tried to explain … he did such a thing.

That’s the girl … lives next door.

That’s the man, … house has burned down.

1066 was the year … William the Conqueror came to England.

This is the skate-park … people come to skateboard.

Task 5. Заполните пропуски, выбирая нужное причастие.
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word (participle –ed or –ing)

The lesson was really … (interest)

This story is so … (excite)

The film was really … (bore)

Jane is always … (tire) after work.

Jack is … (scare) of spiders.

He was … (disappoint) because his team didn’t win the match.

Task 6. Поставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке.
Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases
• talented • teenage • Italian
a(n) … … … artist
• Japanese • young • interesting
a(n) … … … student
• famous • Russian • well-built
a … … …. boxer
• tall • French • easy-going
a(n) … … … actor
• English • nice • middle-aged
a(n) … … … writer
• German • pretty • intelligent
a(n) … … … scientist
• young • excellent • American
a(n) … … … skateboarder

Помогите, пожалуйста. ​

Аноним: Впнррцззущалутьащащцддв


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Task 4.

The girl whose hair is curly is my elder sister.

He tried to explain why he did such a thing.

That’s the girl who lives next door.

That’s the man whose house has burned down.

1066 was the year when William the Conqueror came to England.

This is the skate-park where people come to skateboard.


Task 5.

The lesson was really interesting.

This story is so exciting.

The film was really boring.

Jane is always tired after work.

Jack is scared of spiders.

He was disappointed because his team didn’t win the match.

Task 6.

a talented teenage Italian artist

an interesting  young Japanese student

a famous well-built  Russian boxer

an easy-going  tall French actor

a nice middle-aged  English writer

a pretty intelligent  German scientist

an excellent young American  skateboarder

alisalisa13twelve: спасибо вам большое!
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