50. ______ you ever _____ Mexican food?

A) Did/eat

B) Have / eat

C) Have / eaten

D) Do/eat

E) Have / ate

51. General way to talk about activities that you do to earn money

A) occupation

B) profession

C) work

D) career

E) job

52. _____ Ben and Jane married ten years ago?

A) Was

B) Were

C) Did

D) Is

E) Are

53. We use this word when we talk about the kind of work that someone usually does. It is used mainly on official forms

A) profession

B) occupation

C) Work

D) job

E) career

54. “Are you ____ a good time?”

“Yes, we ____.”

A) have/had

B) having / are

C) having / do

D) have / is

E) have / aren’t

55. Who ___ for a walk tomorrow?

A) doesn’t go

B) go

C) didn’t go

D) will go

E) went


Ответ дал: Hsquad06
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. E
54. B
55. D
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