ЗАДАНИЕ № 2: Вставьте в предложение подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: must, mustn’t, have to, can, can’t, may, should, needn’t.

1.You ____ do the washing up, I’ll do it later.
2.Sorry, I ____ understand you. I don’t speak Russian.
3.You ____ drive a car without a seat belt.
4.____ I stay here with you today?
5.Cheetah ____ run very fast.
6.Children ____ go to bed earlier than adults.
7.They ____ gat the agreement from their boss before starting the project.
8.You ____ pay more attention to your studying.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3: The Present Simple tense.
a)Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму:
1.Kate ___ (to arrive) home from work at about seven every evening.
2.I ___ (to sleep) eight hours every night.
3.Jet engines ___ (to make) a lot of noise.
4.The news ___ (to shock) everybody in the house.
Напишите каждое предложение в отрицательной форме и вопросительной форме.


Ответ дал: opopopopoph


1. needn't

2. can't

3. mustn't

4. may

5. can

6. must

7. have to

8. should

1. arrives

2. sleep

3. makes

4. shock

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