1. Wait a minute! The saleswoman …cheese for me:
а) weighs;
б) weigh;
в) is weighing;
г) weighing;
д) weighed.

2. We are going shopping because we … to buy some food for supper:
а) are needing;
б) needs;
в) were needed;
г) need;
д) are needed.

3. One day people … on other planets:
а) will be living;
б) are going to live;
в) will live;
г) are living;
д) lives.

4. I hope John … get our post card tomorrow:
а) will;
б) shall;
в) will be going to;
г) is going to;
д) will have.

5. … John … the electricity bill yet?

а) has … pay;
б) did …paid;
в) did … pay;
г) was … paid;
д) has… paid.

6. My sister … a book all day yesterday:
а) had read;
б) readed;
в) read;
г) was reading;
д) raeds.

7. It was cold yesterday and we … to the country:
а) were not going;
б) didn’t go;
в) didn’t went;
г) not went;
д) won’t go.

8. Our train … at 4 o’clock on Sunday:
а) will leave;
б) will be leaving;
в) is leaving;
г) leaves;
д) leave.

9. While my mother was cooking my brother … playing computer games.
а) was playing;
б) plays;
в) were playing;
г) played;
д) had played.

10. We haven’t seen him … 3 years.

а) since;
б) yet;
в) for;
г) before;
д) after.

ifjfbfeah: Составьте словосочетания с глаголами.
Образец: вести переговоры (какие? с кем?) - вести важные переговоры с деловыми партнерами.
1. Отклонять предложение (какое? чье?) ; Отклонять претензию (какую чью?) ; Отклонять притязание (какое? чье?)
2. Отклонить жалобу (какую? чью?) ; отклонить обвинение (какое? чьё? в чем?) ; отклонить помощь (какую? чью?).
ifjfbfeah: Помоги пожалуйста. Срочно!


Ответ дал: alisa6663












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