Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A16. Colin has two laptops but he doesn't use of them.

1) neither

2) none

3) no

4) either

A17. it was raining hard, they wanted to watch the match at the stadium.

1) In case

2) Although

3) Despite

4) So that​


Ответ дал: sitkinv


A16. Colin has two laptops but he doesn't use of them.

4) either

A17. it was raining hard, they wanted to watch the match at the stadium.

2) Although

Although  it was raining hard, they wanted to watch the match at the stadium.


Ответ дал: ReyTi1

Colin has two laptops but he doesn't use of them.

2) none

A17. it was raining hard, they wanted to watch the match at the stadium.

2) Although

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