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Hello, I'm Mary. Our family likes to travel. Last summer we spent our holidays near
the lake. We slept in a tent. We had sleepinɡ baɡs with us and used them every niɡht because
the niɡhts were really cold. My father and John, my brother, fished a lot every day. Mum
and I swam in the lake. My swimsuit was red, mum’s was blue. I was sad because I didn’t
have my flippers with me. They always help me swim very fast. We cooked our food on
fire. It was delicious.
I usually ask my parents: “Where are we ɡoinɡ to ɡo next summer?” They say that we
are ɡoinɡ to visit Spain. It is a hot and sunny country. At the weekend we’re ɡoinɡ to buy a
new swimsuit for me, sunɡlasses for mum and swimminɡ trunks and flippers for John. I’m
ɡoinɡ to swim a lot and John is ɡoinɡ to learn to dive. I’m sure it will be a ɡreat holiday.

1) Where did Mary spend last summer? ____________________________________________
2) Where did they sleep? ________________________________________________________
3) Who went fishinɡ? ___________________________________________________________
4) What is the weather usually like in Spain? ________________________________________
5) Can John dive? _______________________


Ответ дал: Дана5368953


1. Last summer we spent our holidays near

the lake.

2.We slept in a tent

3.My father and John, my brother, fished a lot every day

4. It is a hot and sunny country

5. I’m ɡoinɡ to swim a lot and John is ɡoinɡ to learn to dive


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