Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple:

Joan (to make)
a beautiful dress for my wedding.
I (to take)
a shower one hour ago.
He (to say)
his name (to be)
He (to know)
that he could trust her.
Mary (to hear)
the sound of voices.
We (to fly)
into Heathrow on Sunday morning.
I didn't get it because it (to cost)
too much.
She (to open)
her shopping bag and (to take)
out an umbrella.
He (to read)
the poem aloud.
They (to play)
tennis last Saturday.


Ответ дал: poliaaaa06


1. made

2. took

3. said

4. knew

5. heard

6. flew

7. cost

8. opened

9. took

10. read

11. played

mrtwister2008990: спасибо
poliaaaa06: Не за что )
mrtwister2008990: помогите с тестами ещё пожалуйста
leonidup: poliaaaa06, можешь помочь мнп с англ, даю 50 баллов, очень нужно
poliaaaa06: Давайте попробую )
leonidup: спасибо тебе большое)
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