1. An architect …. buildings

A) cuts

B) serves

C) designs

D) direct

E) performs

2.He _____ the school in 1994.

A) left

B) leaves

C) leave

D) leaving

E) leaved

3.He ... tall, so he ... play basketball well.

A) is/can

B) are/can

C) is/..

D) is/ cans

E) is/have to

4.He’s _____ down.

A) sat

B) sit

C) sits

D) sitten

E) sitting

5.A sum of money, given by an organization or government for a particular purpose.

A) grant

B) graduate from

C) lecture

D) enroll

E) communicate

6. Olivia __________ to Rome.

A) has ever been

B) hasn't never been

C) have been

D) has never been

E) have ever be

7.Andy and Kate _________ to the cinema last Sunday.

A) didn’t go

B) did go

C) don’t go

D) wented

E) didn’t went

8.You … buy milk . I prefer tea without milk

A) can

B) need

C) ought to

D) may

E) needn’t

9.Translate into English: іссапар (деловая поездка )

A) business trip

B) a voyage

C) a school trip

D) a journey

E) a tour
10.I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it's cold today.

A) is wearing

B) wears

C) am wearing

D) wore

E) wear


Ответ дал: SPCTRM


1. designs

2. left

3. is/can


5. grant

6. has never been

7. didn't go

8. can

9. business trip

10. am wearing

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