Fill in the / -
1. ___Brazil is in ___ South America.
2. ____ Paris is ___ capital of ___
3. ___ Lake Naroch is in ___ Belarus.
4. In summer Ann usually goes to ___ Spain and swims in ____ Atlantic Ocean.
5. ____ Minsk stands on ___ Svisloch River.
6. Kevin' s house is in ___ Greenwood Road.
7. ___ Hude Park is in the centre of ___ London.​

Larashalll73: кстати, просто из любопытства, там действительно Hude Park? Потому что есть Hyde Park, насколько мне известно ^^D
Marina071079: Hyde Park


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


1. Brazil is in South America.  

2. Paris is the capital of France.  

3. The Lake Naroch is in Belarus.  

4. In summer Ann usually goes to Spain and swims in the Atlantic Ocean.  

5. Minsk stands on the Svisloch River.  

6. Kevin' s house is in the Greenwood Road.  

7. Hude Park is in the centre of London.


Larashalll73: В данном случае артикль перед озером не ставится ведь. Если бы было "the lake of Naroch" или просто "the Naroch", то да.
Ответ дал: Larashalll73



1. -/- (Brazil is in South America.)

2. -/the/- (Paris is the capital of France. )

3. -/- (Lake Naroch is in Belarus.)

4. -/the (In summer Ann usually goes to Spain and swims in the Atlantic Ocean.)

5. -/the (Minsk stands on the Svisloch River)

6. - (Kevin' s house is in Greenwood Road.)

7. -/- (Hude Park is in the centre of London.​)  

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