Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If (you/do) your homework last night, you would know the answer to this question!
2. We (not/stand) by the side of the road at the moment trying to get a lift if we had
brought a spare tyre with us.
3 If I (not/stay up) so late last night I wouldn't feel so tired this morning.
4 (l/be) in a terrible trouble right now if you hadn't helped me.
5. If I had video recorder, (l/record) the match last night.
6.If Cody (not/live) so far away, he wouldn't have been so late to the barbecue yesterday.
7 Tracy (not/need) extra lessons last month if she were as good at math as you are.
3. Would you have got a job when you left school if the university (not/offer) you a
9. If you had as much money as she does, (you/' retire) by now?
10 If I had started learning English a year earlier, I (do) this book last year.


Ответ дал: Sandrusia


1. did

2 aren't standing

3 didn't stay up

4 would have been

5 would record

6 hadn't lived

7 wouldn't need

3 didn't offervyou

9 would you have retired

10 would have done

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