4 When Frank___ (see) the policeman, he ___(put) the pen back.
5 Henry ___ (finish) his newspaper while he ___(wait) for the bus.
6 I ___ (want) to buy some bread yesterday, but the shopkeeper ___not ___(have) any.
7 The man ___(leave) the shop when the policeman ___(stop) him.
8 The teacher ___(correct) tests when the postman ___(ring) the bell.
9 Our plane ___ (fly) over Scotland when the accident ___ (happen).
10 Where ___you ___(go) yesterday when I ___(see) you? Past Simple or Past Continues


Ответ дал: macionka13


4. Saw, put

5. Finished, was waiting

6. Wanted , did not has

7. Left, stopped

8. Corrected, rang

9. Was flying, happened

10. Did you go, saw


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