Аноним: it is an animal. it can be in different colour and size. many people have it. it has got for legs and a tail. people usually call it the friend of a human. two of the most famous are called Hatico and Rex
Аноним: Alpha - is a strong, muscular and very energetic dog. She likes to go for a walk and to run. I enjoy playing with her. She performs a variety of commands and tricks. Alpha is very cheerful and friendly. She has a docile nature. She often plays with my friends. Alpha always senses the mood of the people. If I'm upset about something, she tries to comfort and entertain me. Alpha has become a real member of our family. She is my true friend and defender.
Аноним: перевод-Мое любимое животное — кошка. Я с детства хотел иметь кота. И, наконец, моя мечта сбылась — у меня дома появился сиамский кот Кузя. У Кузи светло-коричневая мордочка, темные ушки, лапки и длинный полосатый хвост; гибкое удлиненное тело, большая круглая голова, на мордочке щетинистые усы, бородка и ярко-голубые глаза. Цвет глаз меняется, когда он злится или угрожает, зрачки становятся то красные, то зеленые. Уши у кота всегда настороже; они улавливают малейший шорох.


Ответ дал: Аноним
Elephant is a big animal. he is very smart. Elephants were used in earlier wars. Now this animal is under the protection of man.
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