Передайте общие вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. “Do you like coffee?” he said to Martha.
2. “Did he watch this cartoon yesterday?” she said to me.
3. “Are you having lunch now?” they said to me.
4. “Have you fed the hamster?” mother said to her son.
5. “Are you interested in photography?” he said to me.
6. “Do these girls study well?” said the head teacher.
7. “Have you done your homework?” father said to his daughter.
8. “Will she go for a walk in an hour?” her friends said to her mother.
9. “Did you take my umbrella last weekend?” she said to me.
10. “Does your friend work in the post office?” she said to Justin.
11. “Will you come home at 3 o’clock tomorrow?” he said to his sister.
12. “Is he sleeping now?” Jack said to Diana.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. He asked Martha if she liked coffee.

2. She asked me if he had watched that cartoon the previous day.

3. They asked me if I was you having lunch then.

4.  Mother told her son if he had fed the hamster.

5. He asked me if I was interested in photography.

6. The headteacher wondered if those girls studied well.

7. Father asked his daughter if she had done her homework.

8. Her friends asked her mother if she would go for a walk in an hour.

9. She asked me if I had taken her umbrella the previous weekend.

10. She asked Justin if his  friend worked in the post office.

11. He asked his sister if she would come home at 3 o’clock the following day.

12.  Jack asked Diana if he was sleeping then.


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