Мне нужно написать в четырёх абзацах письмо другу про своё день рождения.Можна на руском.СРОЧНО


Ответ дал: davidlebed2001


Hello my friend! How are you? Thank you for your congratulation. 

I want to tell you about my birthday party! It was great. I invited my friends to a cafe. We had a big cake, juice, sandwiches and coke. Then we played bowling. I won several times. Then we went to a disco hall and danced there. The music was cool. I got a lot of presents from my friend. I liked that day very much.

How do you want to spend your birthday? Do you invite frinds to home or to a cafe? What do you like to do?

Sorry, I have to go to the shop.

Write me soon.



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