Помогите пожалуйста!
1. Составьте предложения, используя время Present Continuous, и переведите их.
Образец: He is sitting (sit) at the desk. Он сидит за партой.

1. They…………………………….…(play) football.
2. She…………………………………(eat) dinner.
3. You…………………………………(read) a book.
4. The dog…………………………..…(sleep).
5. Ann…………………………………(swim).
6. The birds……………………………(sing).
7. I………………………………….…(watch) TV.
8. Mum…………………………….…(make) a cake.
9. Tony……………………………….(write) a letter.
2. Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них.
Образец: answer the phone/have a bath.
A: Can you answer the phone?
B: No, I’m sorry. I’m having a bath.

2 open the door/wash the dishes
3 help in the garden/do my homework
4 come to the phone/have a lesson
5 tidy your room/write a letter
3. Составьте предложения во времени Present Continuous.
1 coming/the train/is?
2 why/is/barking/the dog?
3 talking/phone/not/is/he/the/on.
4 suitcases/are/packing/they/their.
5 not/watching/she/is/TV.
6 where/your/staying/are/friends?
7 learning/am/at the moment/play/I/to/golf.
8 you/going/shops/are/to/the.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1 They are playing football.

Они играют в футбол.

2 She is eating dinner

Она ужинает.

3 You are reading a book

Ты читаешь книгу.

4 The dog is sleeping

Собака спит.

5 Ann is swimming

Энн плавает.

6 The birds are singing

Птицы поют.

7 I am watching TV

Я смотрю телевизор.

8 Mum is making a cake

Мама готовит торт.

9 Tony is writing a letter

Тони пишет письмо.


2. A: Can you open the door?

В:  No, I’m sorry. I am washing the dishes.

3. А: Can you help me in the garden?

В: No, I’m sorry. I am doing my homework.

4. А: Can you come to the phone?

В: No, I’m sorry. I am having a lesson.

5. А: Can you tidy your room?

В: No, I’m sorry. I am writing a letter.


1 Is the train coming?

2 Why is the dog barking?

3 He is not talking on the phone.

4 They are packing their suitcases.

5 She is not watching TV.

6 Where are your friends staying?

7 I am learning to play golf at the moment.

8 Are you going to the shops?

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