
1⃣. I am the chef ... cooks lunch at school.
A. who
B. which
C. whose

2⃣. Lola is impatient ... rude.
A. also
B. and
C. with

3⃣. Your new car ... fabulous.
A. look
B. looks
C. looking

4⃣. My ‍grandfather seldom... films on TV.
A. watches
B. is watching
C. watched

5⃣. You ... feed the cat. I fed it in the morning.
A. needn't
B. need
C. mustn't

6⃣. If they ... early I will make them ☕️coffee.
A. woke up
B. wake up
C. are waking up

7⃣. I am afraid I ... late for lunch.
A. will be
B. can be
C. am

8⃣. Who was this book written ...?
A. from
B. by
C. with

Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно


Ответ дал: mmaslina
1) who
2) and
3) looks
4) watches
5) needn’t
6) wake up
7) will be
8) by
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