Use of Modal Verbs. Choose the correct option

1) There are some black clouds in the sky. It (ought to / would / may) rain this evening.

2) My son has always been a clever boy; he (could / might / had to) read when he was three.

3) Clare (is able to / will / have to) be five years old next month.

4) Most children (might / can / must) wear school uniforms in private schools.

5) You often have headaches. I think you (may / should / can) visit a neurologist.

6) I’m afraid I (can / can’t / might) go out tonight, I (could / might / have to) work late.

Correct the mistakes

7) It’s getting late. We really must to go.

It’s getting late. We really _____________ go.

8) Do I may borrow your pen?

_____________ borrow your pen?

9) I am not can understand why you're so upset.

I _____________ understand why you're so upset.

10) She has admit, it's incredibly exciting.

She _____________ admit, it's incredibly exciting.

11) I hope they not will be late.

I hope they _____________ be late.

12) What he should say when they ask?

_________________ say when they ask?


Ответ дал: aitolhin







6 cant \might


voVac2: а еще 6? ахаха
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