Задание для 5 класса по теме «Путешествие»
1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из рамки, одно выражение можно использовать дважды.

Travelling, comfortable, travel by car. Travel by sea, voyage, go on foot, by train
There are a lot of hobbies in the world, but the most popular hobby is1)___.In fact, people travel all over the world and use different kinds of travelling. So, people can go by car, 2) ___, by plain, travel by ship and of course 3)___.
Well, people like to have 4) __. when you go by ship, you can see beautiful cities and towns, lay in the sun and swim. Some people think that to 5) ___ is cosy and nice, but someone doesn’t like to do it, because they have seasick.
Some people are fond of travelling by train, it is cheap, but it is too slow. Some people like to 6) ___ ,because it is also cheap, but not 7) ___. You can stop in any place you want and have a rest.
But as for me, I prefer to go 8) ___ .

Please help with the task I give 80 points


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 travelling

2 by train

3 go on foot

4 voyage

5 travel by sea

6 travel by car

7 comfortable

8 by train?? Слов дано 7,а вопросов 8

Horoshist0403: написано же что слова могут повторятся по 2 раза
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