Раскрыть скобки поставить глаголы в нужном времени и определить тип условного предложения.
1) I would visit the city if I (have) more time
2) if visit London, I (see) the British museum
3) if iron (get) wet, it rusts
4) he (meet) my friend if he had gone to the park
5) if I (find) his address, I will try to visit him
6) if you (heat) metal, it expands
7) we (enjoy) our trip if the weather hadn't been bad
8) if you drop ice on water, it (float)
9) I (go) to the thietre if I get tickets
10) they (not miss) the train if they had left his house earlier ​​​


Ответ дал: lizadovgal454


1 has 2 saw 3 got 4 meet 5 find 6 heat 7 enjoy 8 float 9 went 10 miss not

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