Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the words in brackets:

1. “You ate my ice-cream,” she said to her brother. (accuse)

2. “Don’t forget to lock the door,” Dad said. (remind)

3. “”Will you come to the theatre with me,” Tom said to Ann. (invite)

4. “I haven’t took you book,” my sister said. (deny)

5. “Let’ meet for lunch tomorrow,” Marry said (suggest)


Ответ дал: myatahoume


She accused her brother that he had eaten her ice-cream

Dad reminded me to did't forget to lock the door

Tom invited Ann to came to the theater with him.

My sister denied that she had taken my book

Marry suggested to let meet for lunch tomorrow.

alinazacopailo: дай Бог тебе здоровья !
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