1. The … explained the safety rules.
a) waiter b) flight attendant c)shop assistant
2. My car is rather old and often ….. .
a) breaks down b) breaks c) breaks up
3. We are …. … a cheap hotel in the city.
a) are looking after b) are looking over c) are looking for
4. Honey is used as a natural …. .
a) remedy b) system c) injection
5. Many rare animals may become …. soon.
a) threat b) extinct c) dead
6. The …. went up and the show began.
a) blinds b) curtain c) scenery
7. The book is just ….. . I’m really happy.
a) exciting b) excited c) enthusiastic
8. My grandpa can’t put up …. his insomnia any longer.
a) for b) to c) with
9. He hardly ever works … the weekends.
a)for b) at c)in
10. Which dress are you going to … ?
a) put b) wear on c) put on


Ответ дал: safaryanmer76

Ответ:1 b

2 b

3 c

4 a

5 b

6 b

7 b

8 c

9 b

10 c


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