Определите тип условного предложения.

e.g. If I met Richard I would tell him about our new office. (II)

1. If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat.

2. If we had taken enough water, we wouldn't have been thirsty.

3. If the children were older, they would go to the party.

4. Harry would have flown to Helsinki if he had more money.

5. If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time for him.

6. What would you do if you saw a burglar?

7. We would have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought some milk.

8. If I were you I should keep the secret.

9. Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly.

10. If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn't have been late for school.


Ответ дал: Azam318


1. If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat.(|)

2. If we had taken enough water, we wouldn't have been thirsty.(|||)

3. If the children were older, they would go to the party.(||)

4. Harry would have flown to Helsinki if he had more money.(|||)

5. If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time for him.(|)

6. What would you do if you saw a burglar?(||)

7. We would have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought some milk.(|||)

8. If I were you I should keep the secret.(||)

9. Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly.(||)

10. If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn't have been late for school.(|||)

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