ребят помогите
Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in the brackets. (7 баллов)
1. My father_______ (not/ buy) a new car.
2. He ______ (walk) back home.
3. They _______ (stay) here for a few days.
4. I ___________ (redecorate) my room.
5. We _________ (give) you a ring when we arrive in London.
6. ____you______(live ) in Moscow?
7. She________ (buy) a new stereo

даююю 30 балов


Ответ дал: nikolenkonikita313

Ответ:1 bough't 2 walkt 3 staying 4 redecoratet 5 gived 6 with lived 7 buying


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