1 Mount Everest is taller (tall) than Mont Blanc.
2 Seville is much ...........
(sunny) than Bilbao.
3 A train is ....
............ (comfortable) than
a motorbike.
4 A desert is
(hot) than a forest.
5 A stream is
(small) than a river.
6 A helicopter is ...........
(fast) than a ship.
7. Ferries are .............. (slow) than hovercrafts.
8 The Nile is
(long) than
the Amazon
Даю 30 балов помогите пожалуйста????​


Ответ дал: Аноним


2. sunny

3. more comfortable

4. hotter

5. smaller

6. faster

7. slower

8. longer


В пропущенные места вставьте недостающие слова

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