1. Fill in: have, feel, wash with, non-profit

1. charity

2. exhausted

3. cold water

4. stomachache

2. Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.

1. practice/I/go/Can/tomorrow/basketball/to?

2. feel/How/will/long/I/this/like?

3. is/the/matter/What?

4. new/A/to/girl/our/come/school.

3. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

1. Can you do many things _________?

2. Do you believe in _________?

3. Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?

4. Did you make the dress ______________

4. Choose the odd word out.

1. cut, break, sprain, wrist, hurt

2. myself, itself, yourself, ourselves, himself

3. hospital, patient, operate, assistance, emergency

4. gossip, stressful, hurtful, daily, mean


Ответ дал: gridaalex90
1. 1) non-profit charity
2) feel exhausted
3) wash with cold water
4) have stomachache

1) Can I go to practice basketball tomorrow?
2)How long will I feel like this?
3) What is the matter?
4) A new girl come to our school.

1) Can you do many things yourself?
2) Do you believe in yourself?
3) Did the pupils answer all the questions themselves?
4) Did you make the dress yourself?

1) wrist
2) ourselves
3) assistance

Ответ дал: kirahlopotina


1. 1) non-profit charity

2) feel exhausted

3) wash with cold water

4) have stomachache


1) Can I go to practice basketball tomorrow?

2)How long will I feel like this?

3) What is the matter?

4) A new girl come to our school.


1) Can you do many things yourself?

2) Do you believe in yourself?

3) Did the pupils answer all the questions themselves?

4) Did you make the dress yourself?


1) wrist

2) ourselves

3) assistance


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