Раскройте скобки и образуйте условные предложения I (1) типа.

1. If you (look for) a job, it (be) important to write a CV.
2. If he (succeed) in this job, he (be able) to get a promotion soon.
3. If people (find) new sources of energy, it (protect) the environment.
4. If you (enter) a university, you (take) examinations.
5. If he (return) home early, he (watch) this TV programme.
6. If you (come) to see me, I (be) very glad.
7. If we (not get) a letter from him, we (be) worried.
8. If you (not work) hard, you (pass) the exams successfully.
9. If I (have) enough money, I (travel) around the world.
10. Do you think you (find) job if you (leave) school?


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. If you LOOK AFTER a job, it WILL BE important to write a CV.

2. If he SUCCEEDS in this job, he WILL BE ABLE to get a promotion soon.

3. If people FIND new sources of energy, it WILL PROTECT the environment.

4. If you ENTER a university, you WILL TAKE examinations.

5. If he RETURNS home early, he WILL WATCH this TV programme.

6. If you COME to see me, I WILL BE very glad.

7. If we DON'T GET a letter from him, we WILL BE worried.

8. If you DON'T WORK hard, you WILL PASS the exams successfully.

9. If I HAVE enough money, I WILL TRAVEL around the world.

10. Do you think you WILL FIND job if you LEAVES school?


Первый тип условных предложений

Условные предложения первого типа выражают реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к будущему времени:

В условии глагол употребляется в Present Simple, в следствии – в Future Simple.

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