Помогите срочно !!!
Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice
a.Someone built this house 200 years ago.
b.A thief stole my purse.
c.The police will arrest the robbers.
d.They produce cars in this factory.
e.They serve breakfast at eight o’clock every day.
f.People throw away tones of rubbish every day.
g.They make coffee in Brazil.
h.Someone stole Jim’s bike last night.


Ответ дал: Fhbvff

A. This house was built 200 years ago.

B. My purse was stolen by a thief.

C. The robbers will be arrested by the police.

D. Cars are produced in this factory.

E. Breakfast is served at eight o’clock every day.

F. Tones of rubbish are thrown away every day. (Слово tones -- тона, оттенки, а здесь имеются в виду тонны -- tons)

G. Coffee is made in Brazil.

H. Jim’s bike was stolen last night.

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